Tuesday, April 19, 2016


I heard someone say the other day that the only church they needed was the one found in their living room with a Bible, themselves and a cup of their favorite brew.  I think they meant coffee.  I'm not sure though.

There are people who swear (literally) that their internet preacher is their pastor - the speaker on the radio is their pastor - the Christian TV personality -- the God community that sustains them, encourages them, shepherds them and challenges them is a web-based group of strangers.

I'm happy for them, but . . . that isn't how God mapped it out.

Paul established local churches where he preached and continued to communicate with them long after he'd left.

'Let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.'  (Hebrews 10:24, 25)

Paul further gave instructions about what to do when the church met together - publicly read the Scriptures, exhort each other, sing a song and teach one another.  This happens within the context of a local assembly of believers.

We can't ignore Acts 2 in this as the early church assembled faithfully to learn the teaching of the apostles, to break bread together commemorating the Lord's death and resurrection, serve and do community with each other, and pray together.

These are critical to help define what and who the local church is - the hope of the world.  It is within this God-ordained composition that the believer receives encouragement, accountability and instruction, does life, worships God and serves the Kingdom of Christ.

So great to be part of a growing movement of Christ-followers.  Come join us at Journey Church, one church in two locations - Burlington and Kenosha, Wisconsin.  Find us at www.ourjourneychurch.com. 

And be blessed.

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