Tuesday, December 16, 2014


What is so amazing about Christmas is that God showed up in a body.

No longer behind a curtain.
No longer behind a temple wall.
No longer in a golden box.

He showed up ... in a body.

He showed up in a body -- full of grace and truth.

I think we like truth better than we like grace.  I only say that because most of our actions and statements support that evaluation.  We like truth mixed with judgment.  We like truth mixed with justice.  But we like our truth.

But grace and truth?  Those two don't go together.  And of the two, we prefer truth.

Jesus liked truth also.  He never dumbed it down.

'Don't pay any attention to that.  I know it says that but you don't have to do that.'  

No.  In fact, when you were with Him, you were unbelievably aware you were a sinner.

'Jesus was all about truth.  So relax.'

'You've heard, "Don't murder?"'
'Yes, Jesus - we've heard that.'
'Well, if you've even hated someone, you're guilty.  And do you know how you're not supposed to commit adultery?'
'Yes, Jesus - we've heard that.  We haven't slept with someone who isn't our spouse.'
'OK, but have you ever looked at a woman lustfully?  Then you're guilty.'

Jesus was all about truth.

So relax.

But here's what He did that was super strange.  Once it was clear exactly what you and I deserved, because we've all fallen short, He offered us the opposite.

Every time He turned around it was grace upon grace upon grace upon grace.

There was a short guy up a tree - we all hated him.  Do you know what Grace did?  He went to his house to eat with him.

There was another man - Matthew - despised by us all.  Do you know what Grace did?  He made him one of us - one of His inner circle.

It happened over and over.

There was this woman - we knew what she was.  One day she's caught right in the middle of an unspeakable act.  They throw her down in the street - we know what the Law said - but do you know what Grace did?  He forgave her and sent her on her way.

Every time we turned around, He surprised us.

Hope came in a body.
Love came in a body.
Truth came in a body.
Grace, grace and more grace --- came in a body.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I always want the truth. Even if I am being judged, because, odds are, I already know my faults. I remember when I was married and we had our kids at home. Well, we felt comfortable telling each other the truth most all of the time. Sure, sometimes someone was angry, but most of the time it was just expressing our honest feelings.

Then, when I was on my own, I discovered that the truth really doesn't always go over too well with others. I learned that the hard way. It's too bad. For me, there is nothing worse than imagining and wondering what someone is thinking.

Anyway, I have always felt a certain peace in knowing that God really does know everything about me...Psalm 139 is my favorite. I really do feel blessed that He has shown His grace with me, but I am fully responsible for any consequences, too. I know my sins and I accept any discipline, should He decide to take it.

When I was going to Freedom Seekers, I always thought that we are exactly the people that Jesus would have hung out with. Amazing, right??? Now THAT is grace. I truly wish He were here in the flesh. How exciting that would be!

PK's BLOG said...

If He was here in the flesh, many would still not believe. The Bible tells us that.

Anonymous said...

If He perform all of the miracles He did, I would believe. It does make me wonder, though. What about the pastors on tv that heal others? Like Benny Hinn. Can we believe him? I just don't know. If all of these healings were true, wouldn't they be in the news?

I personally know a woman, from JC, that had someone pray over her. This person was known for healings. Well, she was just fine after that. God was at work, because she had suffered from this for years. Truly amazing. I have heard you speak of healings at JC, too. It is so amazing when God rests His healing hands upon someone. I wish we could hear more of those things in the news, rather than Christian-bashing.

PK's BLOG said...

OK, but that's exactly the scenario given in the Bible, that He performed miracles and yet they didn't believe. It's in John 12:37. Exactly what you're saying. I doubt you would. We need faith for what we cannot see. IT (faith) is the only thing that pleases Him. We need it.

Anonymous said...

That's true. I have certain doubts about Benny Hinn. I just don't know. It is hard to explain away Jesus actually rising from the dead. But, I have heard instances when people have awakened in the coffin or in near-death experiences. The things that they speak of...such as seeing Jesus or a blinding white light are just beautiful. I still want to see the movie, Heaven Is For Real. This young child cannot be lying. Thanks for reminding me of things I haven't thought of lately.

Anonymous said...

I like this part: "Once it was clear exactly what you and I deserved, because we've all fallen short, He offered us the opposite" because it shows how truth and grace work together -- and one without the other really doesn't work.