Monday, December 15, 2014


When Jesus walked the earth, a certain something so poured out of Him that it threatened the people who didn't think they needed it -- and it drew the masses like crazy who saw the certain something as their only hope.

People who said, 'We don't need that certain something' ended up crucifying Him -- and people who said, 'That certain something is what we really need' followed Him by the thousands.

It might be the certain something missing in your marriage or a friendship or a relationship - but the message of Christmas is that God saw how very much we needed this certain something and He gave it to us in the person of His Son, Jesus.

It's a certain something that says: 'I know what you've done and I know how we both feel, but I'm not going to continue giving you what you deserve -- I'm going to do for you what my Heavenly Father has done for me.  I'm going to give you a certain something that you don't deserve.'

At Christmas, God gave us that certain something.  It's what we deserved the least but what we needed the most.

That certain something is --- grace, grace and more grace.

How wonderful is that?

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

So many thoughts running thru my mind and I wonder if I can remember and capture them all.

I have a loving family and I have my friends, but that deep, deep, deep relationship eludes me. I don't know, maybe it eludes a lot of people. I am so envious of Christians that radiate with love for Him and the security of knowing He loves them deeply.

I once was discipeld for a while by a woman that had this 'Holy Aura' about her. When she spoke of Jesus, she almost looked as if she has this cloud around her. It is too hard to describe, but I have been in that place many, many, many years ago. I can recognize it and remember how incredible it was to love someone that much. I finally had to give up with her, because I could never get to that place and I felt I simply was not ready.

PK, I have the most serious question of you. What happens if I truly don't want to change? What if I am comfortable with my life and I just don't want to give it up? I know if I come to church that I will feel convicted and unworthy. You once said you would rather see me at church figuring it all out, but I would feel very uncomfortable knowing I am really not repentant. I have no desire to change...right now. Maybe it would change my mind, but I would feel like a fraud if I continued to come.

Oh well, this blog is about Jesus, not me. It often makes me think and question, though.

PK's BLOG said...

To your question - since you've asked it so clearly and pointedly: "What happens if you don't want to change?" I suppose the answer to that is nothing good.

We have a Savior who created us and loves us deeply and dearly and eternally - and yet, He sent His One and Only Son into the world in order to pay for the things we had done, are doing and will do. But there has to be a faith moment where we decide to walk His direction.

We have had this conversation here many times on this very topic. I will keep saying the same things to you that you probably already know.

"If you come to church you will feel convicted and unworthy" - you say. The good news is: You ARE unworthy. As am I. That's what Jesus did for us. We were unworthy, able to do nothing to receive the Father's favor - but Jesus paid the price and so made us worthy to the Father. If you came and felt conviction, that would be nothing but wonderful news. I earnestly desire the conviction of God on my life. Does it sting? Yes. Is it good? Yes. It is far from condemnation because condemnation drives me away from God - conviction draws me toward Him. That's how you know the difference.

If you came and remained unchanged - well, i cannot conceive of that, if you made it something consistent in your life. God would ultimately reach the part of you that is resistant right now. Would you feel like a fraud? Perhaps you would, but that wouldn't be our doing - we would love you and accept you - that would just be the enemy 'getting at you' from the backdoor.

Our FRONT door is open to you.
