Wednesday, October 2, 2013


A farmer stood by the road one day and observed a large wagon filled with goods moving his direction.  As the wagon pulled to a stop, the driver shouted: 'We're moving from Brownsville to Jonestown.  How much farther is it?'

'About thirty miles,' said the farmer.

'And what kind of people can we expect to find there?' asked the traveler.

'Well, what kind of people did you leave behind in Brownsville?'

'Oh, they were a cheerless, deceptive, ungrateful bunch, all of them.  That's the main reason we're moving.  What kind of people will we find in Jonestown?'

'The very same kind, I'm sorry to say,' said the farmer.

And he was right.

He knew the traveler would find the same kind of people in the next town as he had in the previous one.  That's because outlook determines outcome.  Two people can look at the very same circumstance and experience entirely different things based on the attitude they have chosen.

How are you looking?
What is your attitude?
Choose wisely.

And be blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that in my job that most people will respond in a friendly way if you treat them that way. There may always be a few that have their own troubles that they come in with. Not most, though.

Yesterday, I had a nerve-wracking conversation right before I walked out the door to go to work. It was such bad timing. I was very anxious and let my fears run wild. (I know I need to pray for God's peace, but I didn't) Anyway, I was not myself. I was quiet and not as friendly as normal. I was dwelling on it all. I finally did pray at my lunch when it was quiet and I felt much better throughout the afternoon.

I had a doctor's appt. a couple of days ago. I was telling him about my job and that it is pretty busy. I told him that I hoped I didn't freak out at Christmas (I really don't handle stress well). He told me to remember it is just a job and that people come in with their own experiences and issues and not to let it get to me.

Anyway, you are right. My frame of mind makes a huge difference. I had a good day today and I had the much needed convo with the other person, so things are back to normal. Tomorrow, I am taking Jesus to work with me! :)