Friday, October 11, 2013


The weekend is coming ... and I'm 'on.'  I still get a God-adrenaline rush of sorts to walk onstage and deliver what I believe God has given me to a congregation I love.  I enjoy that part of what I do.

But I haven't figured out the right number of hours to spend preparing to speak.  If I get it done in three hours, it almost seems like an irresponsibly meager amount time compared to what is at stake.  If I spend 20 hours, I could make a case that I've made the message an idol.

I know communicators who take both extremes of time to prepare - and even longer/shorter.  Somewhere in the middle is probably the right number.  I'm still searching for it.

Here's what I do know.  God calls us to be out there with the folks.  If you spend too much time poring over a text to the exclusion of shepherding and leading, it will - ironically - make you a poorer preacher.  It is only thru doing 'people-work' that you become the communicator God calls you to be -- someone who knows where people are walking - what they're enduring - why they're celebrating - and when they're ready to give up.

Maybe being with people is actually good message prep.  I know it prepares me personally.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

I always wondered how you know what God's message is. Because you are the pastor, do you have a special God-line to check in? lol Or do you just trust in God that He will bring the right messages, readings, people interactions and biblical knowledge to get it right? I know when I am praying for something, I know that God uses many different mediums to get me to hear what He is telling me. It's really quite spectacular to know, in my soul, that He is speaking to me! It's very exciting!

Lol...I most definitely let you know how I am doing in my and hundreds of your readers. :/ I'm not much on journaling to myself, but I like communicating through writing. Anyway, sometimes I wish I could just hang out with you for a bit and talk about the important things in life. Not useless chit-chat, but the real issues of our time. That would be fascinating, but reading the blog will do. You're a very interesting person. I suppose it's not what the blog is for, but it would be cool to throw in a few issues in the news once in a while and maybe spark a conversation about it. I love that sort of thing. I don't know, maybe that would rile some of the congregation, though. At any rate, however long it takes you to prepare for a message, don't cut it too short! You did that a couple of times and it felt as if you only gave us the abbreviated version of the

PK's BLOG said...

I'm not sure how to describe the way I hear from God for a message. You just get a sense that 'this is the direction.'

Anonymous said...

I understand. I know when God is telling me something important and is unmistakably Him. You know in your heart. Sometimes, it is a whisper, and other times He uses a bull-horn. Whatever it takes. :)

Unknown said...

someone who knows where people are walking - what they're enduring - why they're celebrating - and when they're ready to give up.

Amen, PK - that's why you and PDan are wonderful shepherds. Thank you! :)