Thursday, October 10, 2013


Some of you know what it means to be in charge.  It's a pleasure - it's a privilege - it's a pain - at times it's a punishment.

J. Wilhite zeroes in on some real truths when he says the following:  Everybody loves you until you lead.  Then bullets start flying.

Hosea in the Old Testament is a picture of how much God loves His people.  He's actually challenged to marry a prostitute.  He loves her, but she continues doing what prostitutes do.

But God told Hosea to go back and love his wife again.  Excuse me?  That's the picture of God and us.  He loves us - we're unfaithful - He loves us - we're unfaithful - He loves us - we're unfaithful (ad infinitum ... )

In that regard, Wilhite reminds us to love the calling you have, not the one you wish you had.

'Love your calling.'

You may feel misunderstood - beaten down - taken advantage of - devalued - wrongly blamed ----- but what is your identity?  Who does God say you are?  What does God say you have?

We often question our calling when it gets rough.  Too many times we 'move on' way too early.

Hosea had to go find his prostitute wife and love her all over again.

You may need to do that with what God has called you to.  Your calling doesn't originate or end with you.  God put that in you - so don't let anybody steal your God-calling from you.

Go love again.  Love your calling.  Love the neighborhood you're called to.  Love the community you're called to.  Love the family you're called to.  Love the church you're called to.

And be blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's been a few days since you posted anything. Good to be back to catching up with my fav blog.

I've never really been 'in charge', so I don't even pretend to know your position. I only know mine. I hope you love your calling. You're a great pastor. I just know that I am at my best when my heart is expansive....not when I try to cram it into a little box, so I am socially acceptable. When my heart grows, my love grows...for everyone. I'm at my best. Besides, God gave me this heart. I am sure He delights in it. He made it the second love others as ourselves. Anyway, I know I am not in your shoes and you may face pressures I know nothing of. I just think we should love a lot more like Jesus and less like the world says. We'll all be better off.

Okay, so that's my take. Seriously, PK, you are a terrific pastor and just a quality person. Just be yourself and I imagine that will make God smile. And it will be good enough for all of your flock, too. Seriously... :)