Saturday, September 14, 2013


The 1992 Barcelona Olympics gave us one of the more stunning moments in track-and-field history.  Arguably, it's one of the more memorable moments in all of Olympic sports ever.  It stars runner Derrick Redmond, who was expected to take home the gold in the 400 meter that year:

'Where did we ever get the idea that life was supposed to be uncomplicated?'

That's how the apostle Paul describes the Christian journey you and I are on ... as a race.  It isn't a sprint though; it's a full on marathon.  And we're told not just to finish it, but to finish it well.  In the same way Derrick Redmond pulled a hamstring that day on the track, hamstrings pull in our lives every single day.  Where did we ever get the idea that life was supposed to be uncomplicated?

Many have that idea, but it's wrong.  Life can be hard.  And because of that, it's helpful when someone occasionally comes out of the stands and gets an arm around us and gives us an assist when we're limping - and maybe - sometimes - even limps with us to the finish line.

That's what the church is for - and when I say church, I don't mean the organization.  I mean you - me - the church as individual believers of faith - loving each other and caring for one another.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

The service tonight made me think of the difference between 'loads' and 'burdens.' I've only had a couple of burdens in my life, thankfully. I don't think I am a 'drama queen', but maybe you would see that differently. :/ Most all of my issues were loads, for sure. Life is made of up a string of small decisions that result in a specific outcome. I've spent more than enough time sifting through my 'load' of dirty laundry. It feels really great to be making better and healthier choices now. I like feeling capable of running my own life, instead of throwing my hands in the air and saying that I just can't help it. I couldn't have moved on without God, though. Instead of me white-knuckling it, He has made it a very attractive choice for me.

I will say that when I am lost that I tend to crawl into a shell and withdraw from the world. My family usually comes after me in there, though. I don't know, maybe they are co-dependent...probably. This is the very first time in my life that I am going without my 'crutch' in life. I have often heard that when one is dependent on something to the point of addiction that it stunts your emotional growth. So...I have a lot of catching up to do! I am not completely irresponsible, but still, you know what I mean.

I liked the sermon tonight. It's nice to know you have an extended family to be there. Not to take care of your life for you, but just to talk to, encourage, give a hug. I do know that I haven't been in a life group for several years now, so I don't have that type of support. I've been in groups that just didn't work for me and others that were exceptional. I know you will say that this is no excuse, but I am an introvert and a loner to some degree. For extended periods of time, I prefer my own company to others. Sorry, I suppose that sounds bad, but overall it's true. I'm a loving person and I do best in limited amounts of time. I'm definitely not anti-social, but it is a rare person that I want to go that deep with. Is that unbiblical and selfish? I suppose it is. Maybe sometime I will get into another life group, once I get all my ducks in a row in my life, though. We'll see.

At any rate, it did make me reflect on my level of responsibility for my own life. There are a lot of things I could have done differently so far, but I still have a lot of life left to live. I can change. It's never too late.

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking that I post so often about myself. About what's going on in my life. I sound so self-absorbed...and I suppose I am somewhat. I just can relay my own experiences on the blog, not speculate on others. Anyway, I have thought of this before, too. There are lots of times that I would love to have discussions with others, but until then, I guess I'll just keep talking to I'm really not full of myself...really! ;)