Sunday, September 15, 2013


The only place in the entire Bible where the word 'religion' is used with a positive slant is James 1:27:  'Religion that is pure and undefiled before God is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.'

In that last part, James isn't referring to some monastic bubble where we remain closed off from society.  He isn't talking even about personal purity.  The whole context of the moment is to stay away from a 'my life for me' approach to living and instead be absorbed with a 'my life for you' pathway.

True religion takes us away from ourselves and coaxes us toward the untidy lives of others.  It doesn't take me further into me.  It actually sends me away from me.

That's so different from how we've always believed.  It flies in the face of most of our natural leanings.  Most of what we would consider 'spiritual' today would lift up our private time, our inner life, our devotional quiet.

'If we're experts at anything, it's spiritual navel-gazing.'

If we're experts at anything, it's spiritual navel-gazing.  Our own navels, that is.  But when we come face-to-face with the true Gospel - with what God has done for us - how Jesus stood in for us on the cross as our substitute - we are forced to look up - look out - look anywhere but in.  Anywhere but.

We were designed to embrace God - embrace others - and then, if there is anything at all left over - embrace ourselves.  You're not first.  You're not even second.  You're bringing home, at best, the bronze.

The beautiful irony is that as you look out - and look up - you are renewed inwardly.

And be blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My natural inclination is to spend a fair amount of time alone, doing my thing. It is infinitely more interesting to me. That's not to say that I don't have times when I am delightfully surprised at how much fun I can have with the right people. I was in a life group once that was awesome. I always looked forward to going. And I do like helping others...within a limited time frame. It's just not me to hang around anyone else for large chunks of time. No...I really don't miss being married. :/ Work relationships are perfect. You have a team getting work done, help customers...and then you can go home and re-charge. I know...selfish. I understand what you are saying, but my inner 'Flesh-Woman' says no, thank you very much. I can't possibly take home the bronze. I'm not sure it is even in my vocabulary.

I think you would be pretty cool to hang out with. You're very interesting, but I am pretty sure half the congregation would want to, too. HA....can you handle being 2500th in line for that medal? ;) I don't know, maybe I am just in a hyper mood. I just got home from work. Sorry....just disregard me. I still can't imagine I would be able to handle being around other people all of the time. But, that's just me....