Thursday, August 2, 2012


I borrowed this pic from T. Morgan because it was just too good to pass up:

Now what do I know?  Maybe this was a church outreach of fellow quilters in the area.  It very well may have been.

Let's believe the best, right?

I mean, if we go the other direction, we have to start assuming ...
Their primary mission got lost.
Being 'fair' to some department or person became an overriding value
They forgot hundreds of folks outside the church drive by every day
The quilting committee got their request into the sign committee first
They wanted to use their "Q"
Someone couldn't say 'no'

The best thing we can do is to examine our own mission and make sure we're on track with what God has called us at KFA ( to do -- and let's believe the best on this one.

And be blessed.

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