Monday, April 30, 2012


Today, April 30th, 2012, is a momentous day.

More than ten years after terrorists rocked and destroyed the World Trade Towers in New York City, their replacement under construction, the Freedom Tower, surpasses the Empire State Building as the tallest skyscraper in NYC.  Workers erected steel columns on the 100th floor today, 1,271 feet above the street, to make it stand 21 feet higher than the ESB. 

It is a tribute to those who lost their lives on 9-11-2011 and indeed, to all of America.  Freedom Tower will ultimately rise to a symbolic 1,776 feet with 104 stories and become the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere upon its completion in 2014.

Proud to be an American.

And be blessed.


Jo said...

There appears to be a cross in the picture...probably not on purpose but it looks cool. :)

PK's BLOG said...

Yes, JO, my wife asked the same question about the cross.