Sunday, April 8, 2012


Well, I found out today that a lot of my church thinks they can beat me up.  Yeah.  We have a very tough church.  Even a lot of the women.  But as powerful as they are, I'm glad I serve a God more powerful.

After Jesus rises from the grave, He comes back in His glorified state and He says to His disciples, 'Don't be afraid.  It's Me ... Jesus.' 

I love that.  Fear not.  Why would I be afraid?  I’m on His side - I’m excited He’s that powerful.  If we’re believers in Christ, we want Him to be powerful, don’t we?  We don’t want Him to be a lightweight.  He determines who breathes and who doesn’t - and I’m on His side.  I have no reason to be afraid.

'We are looking at the greatest act of love, grace and mercy in all of history.'

Some of us live our lives in fear - we fear the future - we fear what others might say or do or think of us ... we fear the political climate or the economy ... we fear our own pasts.  If we just understood the great resurrection power of Jesus Christ, because He's the answer to all those things.  He has come to wipe out our fear ... He has come to bring peace to our trouble ... He has come to give us hope and a future.    

We are looking at the greatest act of love, grace and mercy in all of history.  God came into the world in the form of a man and suffered and died on a cross in our place in order to rescue us.  And then He completed the deal by showing us the greatest act of power ever known to man by rising from the grave. 

That’s my God.  He’s my Savior.  He died and rose again for me.  I'm not afraid of anybody in my church, even though a lot of them think they can beat me up.  I have nothing to fear.

And if you know Him, neither do you.

And be blessed.

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