Monday, April 9, 2012


Me and some of the folks in my small group have been in The 60-60 Experiment for the past couple of weeks.  

You set your phone (or device) to 'ding' or 'vibrate' every hour on the hour and you just remind yourself at that moment that there is a God.  You don't even have to completely stop what you're doing right then, but you have a pause where you acknowledge that God is in the room and you thank Him for who He is.

It has been an experiment to counter a whole day passing without ever thinking about God.  We're so busy that we can spend an entire waking day unconscious of His presence.  

Now, at least there are a good 16 or more times during the day when there is a connection with the Creator.  

It's made a difference.

I highly recommend it.

And be blessed.

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