Saturday, April 7, 2012


Author C.S. Lewis wrote, "The terrible thing, the almost impossible thing, is to hand over your whole self -- all your wishes and precautions -- to Christ."

Christ says 'Give me everything.  I don't want so much of your time or your money or your work.  I want You.'

He doesn't want just part of you - not a mere branch cut off here or there.  He wants the whole tree down.  It isn't just a tooth drill or a de-cavity or root canal, he wants it out all the way.  

I've been to the dentist.  We all have.  My dentist is a great guy - really great - but his office is one of my least favorite places to visit.  Sorry, Doc.  I go in for pain in one tooth, but he starts digging around in there some place else, where I wasn't planning, with teeth that hadn't started hurting just yet, and before you know it, I am made aware of other problems about which I almost wish I could just remain in the dark.

'I don't want so much of your time or your money or your work.  I want you.'

God is kind of that way, isn't He?  (See how I redeemed that, Doc?  Comparing you to God?)  You go to Him for one thing and He takes care of that, but he doesn't stop there.  You invite Him to help you with your impatience, but before you know it, He's working on your pride or your addiction or your lust or your attitude.

Again, C.S. Lewis: 'I will never rest, nor let you rest, until you are literally perfect -- until my Father can say without reservation that He is well pleased with you, as He said He was well pleased with Me.  This I can do and will do.  But I will not do anything less.'

It is at this point that we wish He would just leave us well enough alone.  And that is the fatal mistake, because it is not about what we intended ourselves to be, but what He intended us to be when He made us.

And be blessed.

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