Monday, July 11, 2011


I hardly know where to begin with today's blog. We've been in Minneapolis this weekend visiting our kids and just got back this evening.

This blog is called 'A Day in the Life' and though I try not to overdo it, now-and-then I just write what happened to me on a given day. But there is so much blog-worthy from this past weekend, I hardly know where to begin.

First of all, I was sitting in church Sunday morning and the pastor said in his message: 'Twitter is an excuse to justify your narcissism,' which made me think, because I had just twittered the day before what I'd eaten for lunch. The pastor's comment was only reinforced when, on the six-hour drive home, my father-in-law several times commented on the foolishness and egotism of those who have to constantly Facebook or Blog about what they're doing all the time. Ahem.

And then, I was so proud of our eldest daughter, Whitney, as we visited her workplace and heard her boss compliment her skills and abilities and genuinely praise her as a prized employee. It just does a father's heart good to hear that, you know? I mean, we raised her, right?

We stayed at the home of our middle daughter and son-in-law (Allison & Darren) and so enjoyed their gracious hospitality. Our daughter is about six months pregnant - due in late October - it's a girl - and her baby shower was while were there this weekend. My mom drove up from Kansas City and Joelene's parents came to our house from Louisville and rode up with us - so it was a great time to have the whole fam together.

Then, when I walked into Sunday church where Darren, one of our sons-in-law is on staff, one of the ladies who attends thought I was my daughter's brother -- so that was a morning well spent in church.

We also checked out a townhouse where it appears our youngest daughter, Olivia, may be living. You know the torch has fully passed when your youngest is working full time and paying her own rent. Very proud of her as well.

One of the highlights of this weekend was that we got to bring our grandson, Elias, home with us for a week. Mama Whitney and Papa Sam are going to try to live without him for a few days. Nonni and G-Pa (that's Joelene and me, for short) are going to spoil him good and spoil him rotten. He's the cutest, most handsomest kid ever - not to mention a total genius already -- I'm just saying.

So then, driving home today, my next door neighbor calls to inform me that a straight-line wind storm passed thru our area this morning and - at that moment - one of my big aspen trees was laying on my roof. So when we pulled in the driveway at about 5:30 p.m. tonight, we spent the rest of the daylight hours raking fallen tree and yard debris into piles in our yard, chain-sawing the aspen and uprighting overturned patio furniture.

Definitely 'A Day in the Life.'

Life is full.
Life is good.
God is good.

And be blessed.

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