Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Ignatius said: 'It's better to be silent and be real, than to speak and not be real.'

The problem is, I'm not silent often enough. Too often, my untamed tongue really is me being 'real.'

How many times have you come across someone excusing their own insensitivity or insulting attitude by claiming they are just 'telling it like it is?' They're just being 'real.'

They're right, you know. They are telling you what they're like - they're revealing the honest condition of their own heart.

Sometimes it's just best to be silent. When we actively choose silence over unnecessary speech, we reflect a real self that is actually worth boasting about. Silently, that is.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure this post is written directly for me. If it wasn't then it should have been. I have inserted my foot in my mouth far too often.

I seriously do not do that with just anyone, though. Those I feel closest to are more inclined to hear how wonderful I think they are...then when things are not going as well, then they will get an earful.

All I know, is it is not malice or hate, it is most likely hurt being expressed. It doesn't make it easier on the person I say it to, though.

PK's BLOG said...

Be assured posts are never ever ever directly written to individuals. Not my style nor the purpose of this blog. If God convicts or teaches or uses the blog in someone's life, that's up to Him.