Thursday, July 2, 2009


So much of life is subliminal, don't you agree (if you don't, you're unaware)? I'm sitting with someone in my office and the subliminal messages are glaringly obvious -- the adamant crossing of arms -- the glancing up to the ceiling -- the slight twitch at the corner of the left eye -- the fiddling with keys (is he watching me that closely?) -- all communicating 'stuff.'

We do this all the time without thinking about it. We say things - but what we don't say says even more. I don't know how people did it back in 'the day' - when they communicated everything without the benefit of paper and pencil. In fact, I had a way better memory before I learned to read and write. Old Testament and tribal people had to have remarkable memories in order to pass down culture orally. Think about it. Stories had to come down thru generations accurately and they had no way of storing all that information once they learned it outside of their own brains. They had to depend on the community to retain the information. This was done thru repetition - telling and re-telling stories in an oral tradition that spanned decades and centuries and tons of it was also passed on subliminally.

Imagine telling a four hour story to your children re-counting the lives of your great-grandparents (snooze), expecting them to remember it and eventually repeat it to THEIR children accurately someday (I didn't know Grandma was a Marine) ... not to mention the story of your GRANDPARENTS and your PARENTS -- and YOUR story as well. But it wasn't just the WORDS you were telling them, it was also the subliminal messages you were giving (Were they GOOD people? Did you say that sarcastically or did you mean it? Was there 'mystery' in the way you told that?).

Eighteenth century revivalist Jonathan Edwards often preached sermons that lasted four hours. I can't even preach 35 minutes on a Sunday morning without someone saying, "If you can't say it in 20 minutes ... blah blah blah." George Whitefield, a contemporary of Jonathan Edwards, once preached a sermon titled: "A Preservative Against Unsettled Notions, And Want Of Principles, In Regard To Righteousness And Christian Perfection." Try putting that on the church billboard.

I don't know how many people today could sit thru a four hour sermon (don't try it or we'll walk out), let alone be moved to tears by it and converted on the spot. But those 18th century audiences not only had the capacity to receive these kinds of sermons, but to prefer them. Those preachers were also masters at using subliminal skills to practically control people without their knowledge -- by the use of hands -- body movements -- positioning on the stage -- inflection -- staring right at you -- so that, almost regardless of the content, they powerfully shaped their audiences.

So next time -- quiz yourself. What might I be communicating subliminally (how do I know, if it's subliminal)? Know that there is power not only in what you say, but in what you DON'T say.

Witness this scene with a character called 'Mr. Subliminal,' from an old "Saturday Night Live" program ...
MR. SUBLIMINAL: A coke, please.
BARTENDER: Sure, sir. Here you go.
MR. SUBLIMINAL: Thanks (on the house). That was quick (on the house). What do I owe you?
BARTENDER: Forget about it - it's on the house.
M.S: Hey - thanks very much. You know something (free cash)? This place is real classy (free cash). First time I've been here.
B: Glad you like it. I've been working here for years.
M.S: No kidding (free cash)? That's great!
B: [opens cash register and drops cash on counter] Here you go.
M.S: What's this for?
B: It's free cash. Take it.
M.S: No, really (your wallet). I can't take this cash (your wallet).
B: Don't be ridiculous [drops his wallet on the counter]. Here, take my wallet - you can put the cash in there!
M.S: Well - OK - if you insist!

And be blessed.


JC is subliminally speaking said...

Soooo...I'm a bit confused...not sure what I would agree or not agree with. (I am not stupid.) :~)

Are you saying that you are planting something in my subconscious, which has been hidden or concealed in your sermon, albeit unintentional on your part?

Does this mean that you preach subliminally? You plant the idea of salvation as you preach? Which would mean you coerce your congregants into accepting Christ subliminally...which would mean salvation is not really a free choice? Hmmmmm.

Actually, I just really like typing the word "subliminally".

JC misses her influential Friend said...

Oh, KNOW I agree with you! And I say that under my own conviction. :~) It is amazing how something as simple as the way we move or the tone we use can influence someones choice in almost anything. From children to adults! Me included! None of us want to admit that we can be so easily influenced and we can work very hard at saying "no I don't", but...

I just pray that the sphere of influence in MY life (and in my church) is influenced by the Holy Spirit.
