Wednesday, March 15, 2017


If you can't say something helpful, don't say anything.

No corrupting talk - only what is good for building up as fits the occasion, that it might give grace to the hearer.

If we just applied that one-and-only-one principle, life would dramatically change for us all.

If you can't say something redeeming, the KJV of the Bible says:  'Shut Thy Mouth.'

But if you think something good, say it.

Send the text - write the note.  Don't ever hold back a blessing.  Every time you think it - if it's good - say it.

And be blessed.


Unknown said...

This is nice Kevin, but not the whole gospel. There are TIMES to speak the truth as well.

PK's BLOG said...

Of course there are. This isn't a post about speaking the truth. It's a post about speaking grace. But thanks.