Thursday, March 16, 2017


I've met plenty of folks who just didn't believe in themselves.  They believed in everybody else, but not themselves.

Here's a little exercise I would recommend you do with a friend - or with your life group:

Write down a list of all the things you're good at - great qualities you have.  That isn't boasting.  It usually takes a little time to get started because it just feels weird to be doing that about you.  But after awhile you start develop a short list.

Then have your friend (or group) complete the list for you - good qualities they see in you - then share that in the group together.

It's beautiful to see a face light up as you hear what is great about you that you've always had such a hard time expressing on your own.

I Samuel 30 mentions how distressed David was because of the anger and bitterness of those around him ... 'but David encouraged himself in the Lord.'

Sometimes Kevin just has to preach to Kevin.  I have to say to myself what's consistent with the truth of God.  Because His Word is my reality.

That's your reality as well.

'God, I believe You want to bless my life - my marriage - my family.'
'I believe You want to save my children.'
'I believe you want us to get out of debt.'
I believe Your plan for my life is good.'

Say what God says.  He believes in you.  So you can too.

And be blessed.

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