Thursday, June 9, 2016


Fussen, Germany from our apartment window
Fussen, Germany has to be one of Joelene's and my favorite places outside of Italy.  It sits in extreme southern Germany on the border with Austria.  

We checked in to our upper room flat this week and opened the top floor windows to spy Neuschwanstein Castle across the way.  Neuschwanstein was the inspiration for Cinderella's Castle at DisneyWorld.  We spent the day meandering down the wet cobbled streets in brightly colored rain jackets - watching people walking dogs - alternately abhorring and enjoying the smells of sauerkraut and apfelstrudel - wandering into shops selling cuckoo clocks and sporting lederhosen and Bavarian hats - passing old men with traditional German walking sticks.  We love Fussen.  It's a dream place.

The day was over far too quickly and we ended up back in our apartment to a simple in-house dinner of cheese, crackers and fruit.

The day had been exhilarating; the night would prove to be anything but.

It had rained off and on all day but once the sun set it began pounding down so hard outside I could nearly feel the drops pelting the roof only a few feet away from my head as I lay in bed.  I tossed and turned and willed myself to go to sleep.

I had suffered from jet lag the night previous and I knew it had thrown off my schedule, but this night was worse.  I went to sleep on demand but lapsed into the worst night of dreams I can remember for some time past.  I dreamed the worst things possible and though I was unaware, there was a sense that I could feel myself tossing and turning, thrashing my body and gritting my teeth in my sleep under the weight of the nightmares.

I dreamed our house in Pleasant Prairie had been destroyed by a tornado.
I dreamed my church back home was going to let me go.
I dreamed my wife had died while we were out of the country together.
I dreamed I was being chased by vicious animals and I knew there was no escape.

It was about then that I woke up, drenched in my own sweat, covers completely tossed to one side.  I lay there, my heart beating so fast I felt I would soon be overcome.

I remember trying so hard to tell myself these were only dreams - they meant nothing.

I remember trying so hard to tell myself these were only dreams - they meant nothing - go back to sleep.  Hard as I tried, I could not.  I stared at the ceiling with a fear inside that made no sense, listening to Joelene's ironic, peaceful breathing next to me.

The 2 Corinthians Scripture about 'taking every thought captive and making them obedient to Christ' came into my spirit and I began to recite it over and over.  I began to make both God and the devil aware of what I fully believed, just in case either of them wasn't sure or had forgotten.

I put on the armor of God piece by piece, starting at the top -- the Helmet of Salvation -- the Breastplate of Righteousness -- the Belt of Truth -- the Shoes of Peace -- taking up the Shield of Faith and the Sword of the Spirit. 

I began to conquer my mortal enemies one-by-one.

'God, thank You for Your provision - my home and possessions.  I know they're just stuff and only temporal, but I am grateful for Your goodness and grace on my behalf to supply every need.'

'Lord, thank You for the privilege to lead one of the great churches in America.  Thank You for the folks who call her home.  Protect them, move through them by the power of the Holy Spirit, heal their families and marriages, provide for them supernaturally.  Give them peace and joy.'

'God, thank You for my wife.  Continue to bless her with every spiritual blessing.  Let her lead with wisdom and passion.  Make her gifts supernatural.  Cause her to thrive in her personal walk with You.  Give her good health and long life.'

'Lord, grant me protection from fear.  Give me miraculous courage, incredible boldness.  Let nothing separate me from You.'

Over and over I prayed them.

I won't lie - it took some time - but eventually I felt my spirit began to strengthen - my pulse slowed to normal - my body began to relax - knowing that the God of all peace was in the room with me, pushing back the power of the enemy.

It had been a good three hours I lay there battling and wrestling in the Spirit.  I wondered if I would be able to get back to sleep and if there was even a point.  I glanced toward the window and thought I noticed the first peeks of sunrise, but I wasn't sure.

At about that moment, Joelene turned my direction, still in deep sleep and subconsciously laid the back of her palm lightly against my face.  It was what I needed.  It was God's sign coming thru her to be at full peace - release it the rest of the way.  I was not alone.

I fell asleep about 5 minutes later.

2 Corinthians 10:5 - "We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and we take every thought captive to obey Christ."

This was the answer and antidote to my Night of Dreams.

And be blessed.

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