Thursday, March 24, 2016


It's Easter weekend coming up.

I'll admit it -- pastors can never sleep the weekend of Easter.  It's like some of you on Christmas Eve, because you're so excited about the next day.  That's how it is for us at Easter time.

We love this day.  We know church will be fuller than normal -- lots of excitement in the house -- most importantly, it's the day that represents everything we believe and live for in the Christian faith.

I'll also admit that it's kind of funny when Christians say we have a reasonable faith, but I'll just say it ... Christ-followers believe something outlandish, honestly.  I mean, think about it.

An invisible Creator of the universe made everything we see, including you and me - then He sent His Son, Jesus, into the world - born of a virgin - lived a sinless life - ultimately walked to a cross to be crucified, in our place, for our sins - rose from the dead three days later and ascended into heaven on His own accord.

What we celebrate this weekend as followers of Christ ... is totally incredible.

Sound reasonable?

You have to admit that's pretty out there -- that a God who's perfect would love us who are imperfect -- and that we who are imperfect would actually reject a God who is perfect -- that God would love us without condition and even though He's all powerful, He'd never force us to love Him back.

Come on.  It's kinda crazy.  But what we celebrate this weekend as followers of Christ, though it may be seem completely unreasonable, is totally incredible.

This is a story that matters.

He is risen indeed.

And be blessed.

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