Wednesday, January 27, 2016


I'm honestly trying to figure out how I feel about a waitress in a restaurant calling me 'hon' today.

It wasn't like I thought she liked me or anything - please.  I know it's just what some waitresses do.

Some people tell me that kind of speech is normal south of the Mason-Dixon line.  I'm not sure where that is, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't run thru Kenosha.  

I've had this kind of thing happen before so it isn't a new phenomenon exactly, but each time it's happened it has unnerved me a bit.

I've been called 'Beautiful' by a waitress before too.  But I'm not beautiful.  I don't think.  Am I?  Maybe I am.  I don't know.  I'm pretty sure I'm not.




All titles cashiers, stewardesses, waitresses have applied.  I've never had a dude waiter call me any of those -- thankfully.

I think it might be a generational thing.  Most of the attendants who've called me by one of these names were older than me, but the one who said it today wasn't.  Much younger.

Don't say it.  Move on.

'What can I getcha 'hon?'

I thought about telling the management about this sketchy behavior, but then I heard her say it to the 80-something gentleman sitting to my left.  She said it to the young couple sitting behind me.  Then to the six year old eating in the booth with his mom.

So it wasn't about me then.  Why is that somehow strangely discomforting?

I guess she was just trying to be friendly.  Believe the best, I always say.  I suppose I'll cut her some slack and consider myself a valued guest.

I did leave a pretty nice tip.

And be blessed.

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