Monday, January 25, 2016


You often hear about how much Jesus hates religion.  I've heard scores of pastors stand on stages and make that statement:  "Jesus hates religion."

I know, I know -- the Pharisees and all.  It's true that Jesus reserved more harsh words and criticism for these hypocritical Law-keepers than He did for prostitutes and tax collectors.

But the Bible never claims that Jesus hates religion.  What He seems to hate is false religion.

It wasn't the keeping of the Law Jesus resented so much - it was the hypocrisy.  It was them not practicing what they preach.  It was them loving the places of honor in the synagogues.  It was them enjoying the special greetings in the marketplace.  It was giving a tenth of their income but neglecting mercy and faithfulness.  It was looking so polished on the outside and being so unclean on the inside.

That isn't just a first century issue.

Neither you nor I are non-religious.  We're all pursuing something - we're all worshipping something - we're all serving something - we're all devoted to something.

Even when the thing we worship and serve is something great -- a marriage -- a family -- a church -- a career -- a ministry -- it's still idolatry.  It's false religion.

Whatever consumes our time most is our God.

Whatever concerns us most -- whatever consumes our time most -- is our God.

As much as we are directed away from false religion, we are called toward true religion.  And in this we can find much hope.

The prophet Micah describes true religion:  'What does the Lord require of you?  To act justly, to love mercy, to walk humbly with your God.'

James describes it:  "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure is this -- to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

Jesus describes it:  'Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.  

True religion -- a life lived out of raw thankfulness for who God is and for what He has done in sending Jesus to live, die and rise to bring us eternal life -- brings honor and praise to God.  It is a life lived pursuing relationship with Jesus Christ.

And be blessed.

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