Sunday, January 24, 2016


When I'm asked how often I speak about giving, I want to say I speak about giving every single weekend.

And I do.

I can't speak about grace without talking about giving because our great God, who loved us so much, gave His only Son to save us.

I can't speak about marriage without talking about giving because a marriage won't work if you're not both givers.

Finances don't define giving.  Giving is about your heart.  Jesus said: 'Where your treasure is, there's your heart.'

Sometimes people say, 'They're just after my money.'  The church isn't; but God is.  I'll admit that to you.  God is after your money.  Because your money represents your heart.  It always does.

Finances don't define giving.

You put some money in stocks and you'll start going online every day - you never did that before, but you are now - checking on what that stock is doing day by day.  Your heart will start to follow that treasure.

If you want your treasure to be in the Kingdom, put your heart in the Kingdom.

And be blessed.


Derek said...

PK, I look forward to reading your posts and appreciate your openness but I am having a hard time with this one. I understand the need for giving within the church to aid in efforts that the church leaders consider as important. I don't think anyone can question Journey's attempt to outreach within the community and really the world. However, placing the idea of a person's heart being attached to their wallet seems to be a bit much. I am not a rich man but am comfortable financially but my value system doesn't hinge on what is in my bank account. All in all it seems like a little low blow to really call people out like that. Anyways, thanks again for all the posts. I really enjoy reading them.

PK's BLOG said...

Hey friend. The post isn't about amounts, it's about hearts. "Where your treasure is, there's your heart." That's just the Biblical principle I was trying to point out. The amount doesn't matter, but your heart is always attached to your wallet. That's the hardest thing for people to give up to God. No doubt.

You just stay faithful and true.
