Saturday, November 14, 2015


I really hate death.

It stings big time.

We had a funeral today.  Granted, it wasn't the funeral of a 21-year old.  It was a beautifully-lived life of an elderly woman who I had the opportunity to know and cherish.

Still - I'd like to be done with death.

Paul said, quoting Isaiah, 'Death has been swallowed up in victory.'  Then he quotes Hosea:  'Where death is your victory?  Where death is your sting?'

Standing there at the casket looking at a person I barely recognize, it all seems so final.  And yet, death only 'wins' over those who don't know Jesus.  She did.  She does.  She shall.

Paul finished up his quote by saying, 'Thanks be to God who gives us the victory thru Jesus.'

I really do hate death.  It saddens me because I know there are people who die without a relationship with Jesus.  And while I'm not the judge, we're tempted at funerals in order to ease the pain, to hint that maybe the deceased sneaked in to heaven no matter how he lived.  I admit it's hard to craft your words in a way that can be comforting to family members without causing them to lose hope when their loved one lived a whole life counter to the Kingdom.  So hard.

At the same time we who are living can be inspired because we know any number of people still breathing with whom this Good News has never been shared.  We can determine here and now to be more intentional and bold about helping more people get to heaven by telling them the difference Jesus has made in us.

'I am not ashamed of the Gospel.'  Paul said that, too.

I pray you can say, 'It is well with my soul.'

Death sucks.  Can I say it that way?  I'm sorry, but it just does.  You will be struck by that deep fact and emotion many times during the course of your life.  That pit-in-your-stomach moment will be normal, natural, unavoidable and undeniable.

But though we grieve, we who have put our faith in Christ can grieve with hope.  Because we believe that Jesus died and rose again and we believe God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep as believers in Christ.

I pray you can say "It is well with my soul."  And if you can, that you would then determine to tell as many people as possible about the Good News and the hope they can have in Christ.

And be blessed.

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