Friday, February 6, 2015


I wish I could say we were born generous.  It would be such a nice, neat statement to make.  I'd feel better about myself - and this post - if I just wrote it down and closed blog shop for today.

But it isn't true.  We aren't born generous.  We're born selfish.

Does that sound harsh?

Does it not even sound true?

How long before your child learns the world revolves around him/her and acts like it?  How long before his/her first word is 'no' or - shockingly even - 'mine?'

We aren't born generous.  We're born selfish and we need God to come do a work in our hearts in this area.  Because generosity comes from Him.  Selfishness, on the other hand, comes from the devil.

Yes.  It's that evil.  The devil.

He was selfish way back when he fell from heaven.  The Bible book of Isaiah tells us Satan said: 'I will be exalted.  I will sit on a throne.  I will be like God."  I ... I ... I ... I ...  statements of selfishness.

We all fight the same selfishness battle on a daily basis.

You're driving down the road with a friend.  You see a house - or a car - that you secretly envy.  And someone in your car says: 'You know the guy who owns that is a Christian?'

"Really?!  Pffft.  He should sell that (house/car) and give the excess to people who really need it."

We seem to have a personal theology that any house bigger than our house - any car nicer than our car - should be sold and the excess given to help people.

We aren't born generous.  We're born selfish.

We do that with a lot of things.  That's selfishness - that's greed - that's envy - that's jealousy.  Because if we cared about all those things the way we say we do, we'd sell our car or house and give the excess to the poor.

It's the age-old cover up.  We aren't born generous.  We're born selfish.  We care about ourselves.

Oh, we have moments of brilliant unselfishness, but most of us don't live generously on a moment-to-moment basis.

This is our challenge as sacrificial, God-fearing, Christ-honoring followers of Jesus.

Be generous.

And be blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I live within modest means, so I am the first to admit that I can be selfish. There are things that I can't afford, so when I actually have the cash, I jump at it. For instance, I received my income tax refunds. I decided to make two large purchases with it. I didn't donate to a good cause. I bought things that would improve my day-to-day life.

So many times we are really dealing with 'First World' problems. Nothing earth-shattering, but issues that are indicative of a wealthy society. I like to watch CNN, so I see the poverty and suffering nightly in other parts of the world.

When I think of someone who was incredibly generous with every bit of her being, I immediately think of Mother Theresa. She gave everything. Other more recent individuals that amaze me are the prisoners that have been taken captive or executed by ISIS. Most of them were there to help people and they knew the dangers and went anyway. Such dedication to a cause greater than themselves. They gave it all. It is one thing to be generous with your money and even your time, but to give your life for others suffering leaves me with no words.

Yes, I am selfish. I tend to keep my meager resources to myself. I have heard often that the most generous people are those who have the least. They are the example of who I should be, but fall short.