Sunday, February 8, 2015


I had the blessing and privilege of being part of the Communicator's Collective today.  It's a first for Journey Church -- several aspiring young communicators gathered together to learn, collaborate, soak up, be mentored and trained in the art of communication.

It's Pastor Jon Brown's brainchild and he hosted it -- but it was awesome to be able to share with this group of cutting edge young leaders.

Every weekend something happens over 400,000 times in the United States.  A pastor stands to communicate a message.  If an average talk lasts about 30 minutes and if roughly 50 million folks attend church on an average Sunday, then every weekend in America people spend 23 million hours = 950,000 days = 137,000 weeks = 2,600 years -- listening to sermons.

And if the average pastor spends 10 hours preparing a talk, pastors will cumulatively spend 4 million man hours = 166,000 days = 24,000 weeks = 460 years -- preparing sermons every weekend.

Given those stats, how important do you think preaching is?

Based on the Communicator's Collective room today, the future for sharing the Gospel looks bright.

And be blessed.

1 comment:

David said...

Being a pastor's kid I had the great privelage to listen to my dad preach Sunday after Sunday, at bible studies, funerals, etc. and it shaped my life to be the man I am today. God's wonderful word communicated in practical and powerful ways. Yes it works. It's worked in me and I am a witness of it working in countless lives and just last Sunday it worked again. Amen to that.