Sunday, October 12, 2014


Who's praying specifically about the gap in your life between the person you really are and the person you'd like to be?

James 5 says to 'Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so you might be healed.'

Confess my sins to someone else?  I don't think so.  I'll confess mine to God.  James says to confess them to each other.

You mean tell the cashier at the grocery store I go to?  No.
You mean tell somebody I'm going to see week after week?  I just don't do that.  OK, but James says you'll spend the rest of your life doing image management then.

'Don't just tell God; tell somebody.'

Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other.  It doesn't say gossip about each other.  It says pray for each other.

Why?  So you might be healed.  And isn't that what we're all really after?

James says, 'You want to be healed?'  Then don't just tell God; tell somebody.

But what will they think of me?  They'll think you're like them.  They'll think you're real.  They'll think you're honest.

But do you know what else?  God might honor their prayer ... and you ... might ... be ... healed.  You might change.  You might find some lifelong friends.

Who's praying about the gap in your life between who you really are and who you know God wants you to be?  Nobody knows but you?  That's a problem.

Do life.

And be blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are the only person that I know who has prayed for me. To be perfectly honest, I remained convinced that I won't change until I'm ready. Maybe your prayers were in vain. Yet, as I write this, God has brought me thru the difficult seasons in my life. Sure, I suffer sometimes, me...I have been spared the worst consequences.

I have been open with you about my life...but that's rather easy since you are sworn to confidentiality. Of course, on the other hand, you are a pastor. Head and shoulders above me in your lifestyle and behavior. My family is not religious, overall.

I have alluded to this before, but I am very open and honest on the blog, but I remain Anonymous. I would have it no other way. I feel free to admit things that I haven't to many people. I truly am hopeful that it sheds some light for others that "YES" those of us with problems are out here. It's not always butterflies and roses (but sometimes it is.) :)

Lol...maybe you'll shoot off a prayer for me. Just be assured that the one that can change me deep down is me.