Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Many of you are on a 21-day fast as part of Journey Church corporate growth.  There are many and various fasts being enjoyed right now by all of you, but included here is a link to suggested Daniel Fast foods.

There are two references to fasting in the Old Testament book of Daniel, which is where the Daniel Fast comes from.  Daniel chapter 1 tells how Daniel and his three friends ate only vegetables and drank only water.  At the end of that period, Daniel and his friends appeared healthier than their peers who had eaten rich foods from the king's table.  In Daniel chapter 10, Daniel fasts once again, abstaining from 'pleasant food' -- meats and wine.

Here is a link to foods that might be included and not included in a Daniel fast:

Thank you for your willingness to be sacrificial and fast and pray.

And be blessed.

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