Wednesday, April 16, 2014


The whole point of Easter is that we get . . . (fill in the blank).

How would you complete that sentence?

... new life in Christ?

... the promise of heaven?

... justified, saved & sanctified?

... eternal peace and joy?

Maybe the best answer is a one-word answer.

... God.

The greatest news of the Gospel is that when you come to faith in Christ, you get God.  You need God.  You want God.  You get God.

He has sent His Son, Jesus, to us - at great cost to Himself, acting in His death and resurrection - to remove every hindrance between Himself and us.

God is the Gift.

'In Your presence there is fulness of joy and at Your right hand are pleasures forever.'  (Psalm 16:11)

It's Easter.

And be blessed.


Susie Milo said...

My answer would have been Salvation.... until I read the post, and now I see it differently. Thanks for a great post (as ususal)

Anonymous said...

I have to work Easter. I can't even imagine what business is open that day...but it is a religious holiday in a secular world.

Anyway, you are speaking of God. I'm not sure if this even makes sense. I need GOD...the omnipotent, the beginning and the end GOD. I know that Jesus is God, but I need the whole entire Master of the Universe. I have my doubts that He would be willing to help me. I deserve consequences and I know that. No quarrel there.

You have said before that He will do what it takes for me to come to the foot of the cross. The next two months will be a test for me. I wonder if I will 'truly' break. It's hard to say. I need Him but, honestly, I want Him to come after me. To give me a reason for hope. Right now I am taking it day-by-day. I seem to feel closest to Him when I am happy. When I am drowning in the abyss, I withdraw from the world. Oh well, He knows me better than any human being ever could. I'm sure He knows how to recover me. Hopefully...

PK's BLOG said...

Dear one:

Can't you see that He IS coming after you? That it is HE who has never stopped chasing you down? That it is HE who has never given up?

It is we who walked away. He has never spent a moment NOT thinking about you.

Anonymous said...

This post may have dried up, but God leaves my head shaking sometimes. I mean seriously. You well know that I don't deserve God's blessing and love and care. I just don't understand it. In the past week, I was wondering if I would be one of the thousands who are homeless. I just didn't know what would happen to me. It was the very next I found out about 2 apts I can afford. That's in the span of ONE day! I'm not going to say that everything will fall perfectly into place and I will get one, but it is a definite possibility. If He wants it to happen, it will.

I am the poster child of the Prodigal Daughter. I draw close, then I stray off of His path...over and over. Why does He stand there with His arms open to me??? You and I both know my past.

Honestly, when things seem so dire, I hold my breath, waiting to feel the hammer hit...but He spares me the worst outcomes. I just don't understand it. Deep down, I am a very nice person. I just neglect Him. I give Him my time when it is convenient.

Why does He do this??? In the span of one day? It defies logic, but there it is.... He still loves me and won't let me go. When it seems that my family has given up on me, my Father is still there...and He really does love me.

PK's BLOG said...

Yes. Will you not now trust Him? What more must He do?

Anonymous said...

He performs miracles all of the time, but over and over again HE is my miracle. The fact that He thinks I am worth being His child, I just don't know, PK. I am at a loss for words...and I mean that in all sincerity.

He does more than I could imagine for me. I know you might say that none of us deserve it, but I know who I am inside. He still loves me. I turn away from Him in search of my idol and He still waits for me.

Oh well. I could go on and on, but He truly is such a good and loving God. He just helps me when I least deserve it.

Anonymous said...

I hear you sister. I am right there in unbelief that God forgives a sinner as bad as me. I was/am a well loved leader of people. I had an affair with a married woman and got her pregnant. I wanted hide the fact that she was indeed pregnant with my child make everyone believe it was her husband's. Ya know, things didn't quite work out and the world was closing in on me. I was really in love with this woman and did not want the world to know what she did even though she only reacted to my advances. I had money, power and she did not have a choice. I was going to make her mine. Even worse was the fact I knew her husband and he looked up to me. Anyhow I digress, back to my story. As I stated the cover up didn't work and I HAD to make this go away at any cost. Lets just say her husband went on a business trip he never came back from. Done deal right? Nobody knew, none but God. Long story short, even though my personal relationship with God was great, He was not happy with me and it was not soon after that our 'love child' died and I thought I would be eternally separated from my God. I confessed, I cried and I pleaded to God for forgiveness for my unthinkable sins. I mean, how could He? How could a God that is eternal light forgive the darkest of sin? Mercy, His mercy that surpasses human understanding is the only way. If He forgave me do you really believe that He won't forgive you? My name is David and some called me king.

Anonymous said...

Yes....I am sometimes perplexed as to God calling David a 'man after His own heart.' As I understand it, it is because David repented with such great remorse and sorrow.

It has come to my mind the scripture about how God cares more for me than the sparrow...and that He will see to it that I have food and shelter. He does, too. I live a simple life. No house or nice car or fancy dinners out. It's perfectly fine, though. However, He has never once let me go without the basics to live...not once.

I have seriously thought about how my problems are 'First-World Problems.' I have discovered the option of renting a room. I wouldn't feel comfortable, but it is there. I am keeping my fingers crossed for the apt that I like! It is in a safe neighborhood and the area looks good. God has turned this around in such a short time. I trust that He will help me, if He wishes it to be true. It truly is a comfort to know He is there and He still loves me...