Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Jesus emptied Himself.  Everything was rightfully coming to Him -- respect was owed Him -- attention was due Him -- and still, He emptied Himself.

In our culture, we'd say it this way:  'She's full of herself … he's full of himself.'  Two thousand years ago, Jesus emptied Himself.

He made Himself nothing, by taking on the nature of a servant.   He didn't have to.  Nobody forced Him.  He made a decision - out of love.  He humbled Himself.  He decided to place Himself under.  He decided to submit.  And guess who He humbled Himself to?



'When Jesus died on the cross for your sins, He put your deal ahead of His deal.'

He put your forgiveness ahead of His glory.
He put your greatest need ahead of what He rightfully deserved.
He put you first and me first.
He submitted Himself to us.

And if this one and only life you've been given is going to be everything you crave it to be - everything God designed it to be - God has made it clear.  Part of you will have to die.  Part of you will have to submit.  Part of you will have to surrender.

You can't do 'genuine follower of Christ' any other way.

And be blessed.

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