Sunday, February 2, 2014


There is a story told about a U.S. Congressman having lunch with some of his constituents at the fairgrounds.  When it comes time to eat, he fills his plate with salad and side dishes.  Then he comes to the chicken table - and the chicken lady is there handing out legs and wings and thighs.  As he approaches, she puts a thigh on his plate and he says:  "Do you think I could get a second piece of chicken?"

And she says:  'I don't think so.'

He responds:  "I'm sorry ma'am, but do you know who I am?"

'As a matter of fact, I do.  You're the Congressman from our district.  Do you know who I am?'

'Well, no,' he says.

She answers: 'I'm the chicken lady, so move on down.'

I love that story because it's the classic illustration of pride - from both sides of the scenario.

I think we all deal with pride on one level or another.  It's easy enough to prove.  If you've ever been in a group photo, who is the first person you look for?


And if the picture is good of you and bad of everybody else, what kind of picture is it?


And if it's bad of you and good of everybody else, what kind of picture is it?


So you see our problem.  Pride is so tricky, because anytime it gets addressed, it's nearly impossible to see you're walking in it.  You're always thinking about somebody else.  But I need to examine myself.  You need to examine yourself.

And be blessed.

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