Saturday, January 18, 2014


It was years ago now but I once got a letter from my car insurance company stating that they were going to be raising my premiums to such astronomic rates that, for all intents and purposes, they were dropping me.  It was all due to a series of unfortunate events that happened with me, my daughters, and vehicles.

Let's just leave it at that.

'God makes dirty people right in His sight.'

They weren't going to drop me because I had failed to pay the premiums.
They weren't going to drop me because I was late with paperwork.
They were going to drop me because I had made too many mistakes.

I'm the first to admit we aren't perfect drivers, but I thought that was the reason we had insurance in the first place … because we aren't perfect drivers.

So, I bought insurance to cover my mistakes and then I get dropped because I made mistakes.  Sure.

M. Lucado says: 'What if heaven had limitations in its coverage?'

What if you got a letter from the Pearly Gate Underwriting Division:
'Dear Mr. Taylor:  I'm writing in response to this morning's request for forgiveness.  I'm sorry to inform you that you've reached your quota.  Jesus sends His regrets and kindest regards and hopes you find another comparable form of coverage.'

Romans 4 makes an incredible claim:  'People can't do any work that will make them right with God.  So they must trust Him, who makes even evil people right in His sight.'

Even evil people?  Yes.

We expect God to justify the clean ... but the dirty?  Yes.  God makes dirty people right in His sight.

Man has no way … but God has a way.

And be blessed.

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