Thursday, May 23, 2013


You never lose when you're generous.  Never.

I've been learning this in a variety of ways recently and thought I'd pass along a few ideas to you because there are a lot of ways to be generous.

Listen with your whole body -- yes, that's a generous action.

Lend somebody something they need.

Stick up for somebody who needs it.

Pay an unexpected compliment.

Do what you say you're going to do.

Say 'thanks' with sincerity and be specific about it.

Keep quiet when you need to.

That stale grudge you have? Let go of it.

Take the blame.

And if you're really feeling generous . . .

And be blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always feel great when I am generous. To see someone smile, to melt their heart, let them know I love them, to give them what they need. This can apply to various ways that others have need of.

I recently was thinking back on something our church did. We made up kits in the church gym for those suffering with AIDS in Africa. The kits included various things to be used in their care. We enclosed messages of care and encouragement.

JC does many things for others and that is great but what I really loved about this was that not only were we each assembling a kit, but we were doing it as a church body...all together...I think it was such an awesome thing. This was OUR gift to someone who was hurting. I hope we can do it again sometime.