Saturday, May 11, 2013


God has given you a specific thing you do well - you can't do everything - but there's something you do well.  It's a divine enablement.

I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.  You see it in your own family - where you work - in the marketplace - you see it in others.  Some people are great with their hands -- great organizers -- hospitable -- full of mercy -- servants -- creative people -- all made with different specialties.  And Paul, 2,000 years before there was the MMPI or the Taylor/Johnson or Myers/Briggs or the Color Code or Melancholies, Sanguines or Cholerics, said that every person in the church doesn't have the same strength.  God has divinely given to every individual a personalized divine enablement.

I think I must live with the more organized person on the planet.  Joelene can walk into most environments and see what needs to be done - and I'm talking right now.  She can look at something for 30 seconds and say: 'If they'd just do that,' and 'If she'd just ... ' and 'If he'd just ... '  She's very intuitive about all that.

People used to come to us and ask: "How do you keep your home so together and organized and you're both so busy but your three girls are all just like so-so?"  And I'm not bragging or anything - it's just true - she did it all.  It came so naturally to her.  That's a divine enablement.

Now, Joelene rarely wants to get up on stage at Journey Church and say much.  You don't know what we went thru to get her up last month to help me with the New Wife message, even though she did an awesome job with it.

I mean, if I was onstage choking to death, she'd hand the water to the nearest pastor and have him/her bring it up to me.  But she says to me: 'How do you get up there and talk that way to everybody - New Sex Life and all that stuff?'

'I don't know; how do you organize so awesomely?

'I don't know.'

You know what that is?  It's a divine enablement.

'There's something you do well.  It's a divine enablement.'

There are certain environments where you just flow - and there are certain environments that stress you out.  There are arenas where you shine and there are arenas that shut you down.

Here's the deal: Every person who names the name of Christ has been given a divine enablement - something you do well.

But here's the big question:  Why?  Why did God set you up to be so good at some things and not so good at other things?

You may look at your gifts and say, 'I think God gave me these gifts so I could make a lot of money - because I took this thing I was really good at and I built a business around it ... I'm a leader ... I care for people in my occupation ... I'm skilled at ... God's blessed me at ... '

OK.  But why has He?  And the answer isn't so you can make a lot of money, even though many of your abilities help you do that -- but that isn't the primary reason God gave you that.

God gifted you and me as He has for the purpose of bringing those gifts together and doing what none of us can as effectively do on our own.  That's the body of Christ.

And be blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let me say, right off the top, Joelene you were a wonderful and insightful speaker! If it had been me, I wouldn't have been able to form a coherent thought. PK, you know me, if I didn't believe it I wouldn't say anything at all.

As for the rest of your post, here goes. Each time I have taken a personality test I am considered to go into the social work or helping positions.

I feel that God has blessed me to be an open, pretty honest, compassionate, encouraging person. There was a time several years ago when I was studying in college to be a psychologist. I love to get into deep conversations about how people feel and things that are important to them, what and who they love, etc. I have come to the conclusion that I need a counselor more than to be one. I have my share of flaws and defects.

If I had to choose a job, I would love to work for a non-profit helping others and maybe a little counseling, too. All I would wish for is enough to live on. I think that would be a dream job for me. I truly think that if I ever won the lottery, I would be broke again before I knew it. I would take care of family and a few friends..then I am pretty sure I would give to charities and others who needed it. I have a real soft spot for others pain and need. There is so much in this world. When we see others in need it only reminds us the blessings we all have now.