Wednesday, February 27, 2013



Well, if nothing else on this blog post today - the honest truth about it is:  I made ya look.

I've watched it on TV a little bit now and then at those big tournaments where everybody's wearing sunglasses inside a perfectly well-lit room.  I think I understand the game, though I've never really played it - and there seem to be nuances I don't quite get.  One of my son-in-laws has told me he'd teach me if I wanted to learn.  I'm sure there's an app.

I really don't have much against it -- looks fun.  But I'd never do it where money is involved.  Seems like, without the money, it's just another card game - Rook - Canasta - Euchre - Spades.  Trouble maybe is, people don't seem to know how to play it without using money.  Not sure I understand that.

Anyway - I digress - hugely.

As D. Browning comments - one thing seems apparent, when the poker champions gets a good hand, he bets big.

Maybe I'm way over my pastoral head here, but it appears that the game of poker is a decent analogy for church ministry.  We're all given a hand to play.  We have to make choices about how to play it.  One thing is certain: we must be willing to go all in - 1,000%.

J. Collins said: 'The most effective investment strategy is a highly undiversified portfolio when you are right."

Jesus says: "Play the hand I gave you.  I'll be back later to collect my winnings."

Are you playing your hand?  Am I?

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

I used to play penny poker with my husband. The whole family. It was a good deal of fun. Afterwards the pennies went back into the coin jar. Just a thought.

Also, we played a game called Ueker...not sure of the spelling. It was a great game. A little strategy and no money.

PK's BLOG said...

Yes, i referred to that game in my blog post. Euchre.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever played any cards at all? It's really fun! If you or your sons-in-law ever want to see a most excellent movie on poker players Rounders is a terrific movie. I loved it!

PK's BLOG said...

Of course I have. Lol. I haven't lived in a cave my whole life.

Anonymous said...

Lol...I thought you couldn't growing up, that's all. :)

PK's BLOG said...

Yes well. I'm 53. I've been "grown up" for a little while now.

Anonymous said...

true enough...don't worry, I won't tell your Mom...haha :)

PK's BLOG said...

She reads this blog so I'm afraid the cats out.

Anonymous said...

I know that..I've seen her post. I was joking with you! :)

PK's BLOG said...

I KNOW you were. Lol.

Anonymous said...

I have a secret for you. My husband was an excellent poker player (for money). Anyway, I know you said that players with a great hand bet big,

Sometimes, when someone knows they have a winning hand, they place an average bet. It doesn't scare everyone away. Then they get a feel for the ones who do have a good hand, because they will play strong.

Once they have everyone lured in and the pot is big...they go in for the kill. More money that way. :) My husband taught me that.

PK's BLOG said...

Thanks for the tip. Good to know (?????)

Anonymous said...

Lol....well, I found it interesting. There still is alot of strategy that goes into poker. I still don't know how people can count cards, but they do.

I sat in on a couple of games with my husband and his friends. I bluffed a couple of times, then they caught on. I do not have a good poker face at all. Anyway, I do find the whole deal pretty interesting. I've never seen a professional game, tho.

Anonymous said...

PK, now and then you hit on a subject I know alot about. It's fun to share that. I know some of it is the most decadent parts of life, though. Anyway, this is a part of me and my past.