Monday, February 25, 2013


We have to be good at both theology and living.  Not either-or.  Pastors aren't exempt from this.  We have to do more than just teach folks to live like Christ - we have to teach them to think like Him.

Otherwise, the wolves attack, bite, eat and kill the sheep.

'We need to equip people for real life, not theoretical life.'

But we shouldn't do this with big ol' sermons full of abstract illustrations and eighteen syllable words.  We need to equip people for real life, not theoretical life.  Sometimes the best way to do that is to close our commentaries and go hang out with people so we know what they're going thru.

That way we can walk on a stage on the weekend and give something that comes from deep down in our guts, not from the nicely ironed pages of our notebooks.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

I know I come from a real part of life. Sometimes, I challenge you or share more of my faults than is prudent...thank goodness for Anonymous.

PK, does it bother you that I am pretty straight forward?I really do want to know.

PK's BLOG said...

You're no less straightforward than I am so no, it doesn't bother me at all. I'm from "real life" just like you.