Thursday, September 27, 2012


Every now and then I tell our congregation that I'm about to 'open my chest cavity' to them so I might need to be extended a temporary umbrella of grace for the next 30 seconds.

I'm saying that to you now.  Umbrellas up, please.

Joelene sometimes tells me I look at myself in the mirror too much.  That isn't because I think I'm so awesome; it's because I think I'm not - if that makes sense.  It probably doesn't.

So if we're walking down the street and we pass by a big picture window and I glance to my right in order to --- um --- see myself as we're strolling, often she'll say to me without even turning her head: 'Stop that.'  Ugh.  I routinely lie and say, 'I wasn't,' to which she responds, 'Whatever.'  I hate it when she says 'whatever.'

OK.  Umbrellas down, please.

I remember thinking after graduating from my college Sophomore class, Intro to Psychology - (Wait!  Umbrellas back up), that I could now accurately analyze everyone on the planet, including my collie and the maple tree outside my room.  Who wouldn't be all heady after learning about Pavlov's Salivating Dogs and Freud's Sex Theories and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs -- what more is there after that trio?

There was one other lesser well-known theory introduced in that class -- The Theory of Looking-Glass Self.  It basically states that one's self image and self worth comes from your interaction with society and the perception of others.

Dr. J. Dobson said: Your self image isn't what you think of yourself.  It isn't even what others think of you.  Your self image is based on what you think others think of you.  Ugh and whatever.

You shape yourself based on the mirror.  You shape yourself based on what you think other people believe about you - their perceptions - their one-liners - their comments to a fourth party about what their second cousin overheard someone say about you.  We basically buy into that as reality.  Someone else's perceived perception becomes our truth about ourselves.

Too confusing.

Instead, what does God say about you?  Look it up.

Guess what I already know about what you're going to find there?  It's good.  Real good.

Let's see every person who walks thru our KFA ( doors that way.  Put the mirror away.  Umbrellas down.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

I've never met anyone that had no insecurities. They may be out there, but I am quite skeptical. I have many insecurities, but for the most part, I am more sensitive to the ones I love. Outside people only shake me minimally. Have you ever broken one of those mirrors? It's bad JK!

Joelene said...

Literary license.

PK's BLOG said...

Always. :)

Anonymous said...

Joelene, you should post now again. I don't know you very well, but you seem very nice. :)

PK's BLOG said...

Her comments have to pass thru my monitoring. :)

Anonymous said... post lots of things about her. All good, but still...

PK's BLOG said...

She can get her own blog if she wants to. :)