Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I actually like the word "NO."  I mean, sometimes I like it.

I wish more people would use the word.  When someone asks you to go to bed with them and you're not married, it's the right word to use.  That's called an oral contraception.

'NO' isn't a four-letter word.'

"NO" isn't a four-letter word.  If something isn't good for you, it's exactly the appropriate thing to say.  "NO" is one of the ways we guard our hearts.

Sometimes I have to say "NO" to things people expect from me as a pastor.  Sometimes I have to say "NO" because to say "YES" would dishonor the commitment I've made to my family.  Sometimes I say "NO" because I don't believe in what I'm being asked to do.  At other times I say "NO" simply because --- I don't want to.  When you say "NO" to things that are hurtful to you, you are protecting God's property.

I don't always like to connect flowery speech to my "NO"s.  It feels wrong.  Just say it - that's my motto - but be nice when you say it.

And be blessed.


JILLY said...

Just shared this with a friend tonight. Couldnt of been a more perfect time and message...thanks for sharing pk,

Anonymous said...

You have been incredibly kind to me and I sincerely appreciate that. Sometimes, you have had to say NO, because you are a pastor of a large church and there is only so much you can do. Sometimes, I am disappointed and my feelings are hurt, but I do try to put myself in your shoes, so I always bounce back. You are a very awesome pastor and I think the world of you. Also, sometimes I have to say NO and I often feel guilty. I suppose I shouldn't. but I do.

Anonymous said...

PK, this made me think of something. In Freedom Seekers we are studying a book called the 'Bait of Satan'. The author speaks of how we all are 'offended' throughout of lives in different situations. He talks about how there are different levels of expectations. It depends on how much we value the relationship. For the most part, husbands and wives can disappoint and offend us the most. BUT, the very highest offense is with pastors. It is way up HERE. I suppose many of us expect you to be Jesus in the flesh. I know I have at different times. When all is said and done, no matter how wonderful you are, there is only one Jesus. Most pastors are incredible people, but you are only human after all.

Anonymous said...

NO, is a great boundary word. It develops respect with people around you. "Oral Contraception", I love this. Can't get pregnant or catch a disease that way.
As part of your flock PK, I never KNOW what to expect from you. You have blessed me again. Thanks