Thursday, March 15, 2012


I was at a store the other day and a little boy sitting in the shopping cart was asking Mom for everything he passed.  'I want this ... can I have that? ... Mommy, get me this other thing ... '  What was more remarkable was that 'Mommy' dumped at least 2 of the three things Junior asked for into the cart - and when he threw a fit about one of the things he said he wanted that, six seconds later, he didn't want anymore, she obediently replaced it with the newest and latest object of his affection.


I loved giving my kids things they wanted, but this?  Well ... no.

'If I am content with little, enough is as good as a feast.'     Bickerstaffe

I wondered, given the current trajectory and conditions, this little boy would grow up to be like.  It probably isn't fair to make judgments based on 60 seconds of observations.

I only know that there isn't a side of the fence where we finally just 'have it all' and where the incessant craving for greener grass ceases.  If we really believe we can and should have it all, we never will.  The attitude in and of itself makes whatever we get less than enough.  The more we expect, the more it takes to satisfy. 

I. Bickerstaffe put it this way: 'If I am content with little, enough is as good as a feast.'  That's a great truth.

And be blessed.

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