Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Almost all perfectionists know at some level that being perfect is impossible.  Yet most I've talked with feel they'd be quitters to lower their expectations to something more realistic and liveable, even when they see what unrealistic expectations are doing to them and those around them.

There is also the fear that if they don't keep their standards sky-high, they won't accomplish anything of worth.  They will be branded failures - and failing, for a perfectionist - is unforgivable.

Ironically, America was kind of founded by failures.  We have learned that success is not fearing failure, but learning from it.  Perfectionists do not allow themselves that luxury.

If I sound outspoken and confident on this issue, it is because I walk it.  It's a battle I constantly wage.  I can be self-critical and self-condemning right along with the best of them.

But the truth is:  The virtue lies in the struggle, not the prize.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

PK you are perfect! :) When God looks at you, He sees His son's blood covering you! And His Son's blood is perfect. :) God has made you whole.

mom said...

I believe you have been a perfectionist since birth. I can remember you putting all (like 100) of your match box cars around a circle on a rag rug, and moving each one inch by inch around that rug for hours on end. They all had to be spaced the same distance around the rug. You are a PERFECTIONIST, doing what God has called you to do. I luv ya! MOM