Sunday, February 12, 2012


The water baptism of 20 people over this past weekend was exciting, gratifying and empowering. This is one of those proofs that the church is on the move and that God's excellent power is being evidenced in it and through it in redemptive, forgiving, challenging and transformational ways.

The baptism tank may be 55 degrees inside and it might be leaking a little bit, but who cares - (although we'll fix that before next time)?  We have never declared that we have a perfect system, or a perfect tank or that we baptize perfect people.  They are all folks on the journey.  As T. Tenney says: 'Perfection is law; excellence is grace.' 

Some churches may patch up their cracks and mildewed corners just enough to look good on the outside.  But if you begin scratching at the surface veneer, you uncover the truth.  It is not what we see but what we don't see that matters.

It is not about appearing to have no needs or doing and saying all the right things.  It is about offering a scandalous tank-full of grace to those who are searching and desperate.  You and I cannot afford to go thru the motions.  Every day is a potential day of opportunity for someone far from God whose destiny it is to ultimately walk down some steps into water and come up brand new.

And be blessed.

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