Saturday, February 11, 2012


You've figured out by now I'm kind of a word guy.  So I was in a shop today and noticed on the wall menu that they had "smoothies."  I'm a big fan of smoothies, but I didn't know what "smoothies" were.  What's with the "quotation marks?"  Was it not really a smoothie?  Was it really just glorified fruit juice with a fancy name slapped on it?

You see this practice a lot.  For instance:

A sign at the fair:  Get your tickets "here."

In a parking garage elevator:  Do you remember where you parked your "car?"  Maybe they mean if you have a truck or a van, it's still really a 'car.' 

At a hotel:  Please hang towels "in" the lobby area.  Do they really want them IN the lobby?  Maybe ON the lobby - or UNDER the lobby.

On a menu:  We make homemade "french" fries.  So good to know they aren't Swedish or Mongolian, but of actual French origin.

I don't know.  Maybe I'm making a big deal out of nothing.  Probably.  Hope to see you at "church" tomorrow.

And be blessed.

1 comment:

Joann Ciske said...

I love it when you post a blog that really makes me think...but I love it even more when you make me giggle! So...was it a "smoothie"?