Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I believe it was James Dobson who said, 'Your image of yourself isn't what you think you are. It isn't even what other people think you are. It is what you think other people think you are.'

A majority of folks have either an over- or under-inflated view of themselves. Our human tendencies toward both pride or low self-esteem (which may really be pride) is legendary. We have all acquired a mish-mash of both good and bad thinking.

Our bad thinking needs to be changed. The Bible calls that process 'renewal.' That means trading in old perceptions and opinions and ideas and thoughts and attitudes for a brand new set that God develops in us.

That is nurtured by reading The Book and meditating on what you read. Out of that, gradually, comes a change in speech patterns, thoughts, opinions, perceptions and behaviors. As that gets renewed, we find out our relationships with others also becomes renewed. As that becomes renewed, our immediate world becomes renewed.

And it all begins in your mind - where you are not what you think you are. You can not become the person God created you to be by remaining who you are.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

Ok, this is perplexing me. How is low self-esteem pride?

PK's BLOG said...

If you'll hold on a bit, maybe I'll blog on that question today. :) Stay tuned.

Anonymous said...

Ok...sounds good!