Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I don't think Peter probably really ever had a good day before he met Jesus. Mary Magdalene either. Oh, they probably THOUGHT they'd had good days, but they didn't know what a good day was until they met Jesus.

Jesus embodied what a good day was all about. We teach what a good day is like to our churches - we teach it to our families - our friends - those we influence. When parents take their kids to a child crisis center to give away some of their toys, they are showing children what a good day is like. When CEOs stop to ask about the health of the custodian's very aging and ailing mother, they are showing what a good day is like.

Every one of us has to decide what makes a good day for us. And then we must realize that message will be replicated - for some of you a hundred fold - a thousand fold - by those you lead ... from your only child to the 17 levels of organization under you.

What makes a good day for you?

And be blessed.


Rosetta said...

I started this morning as usual, getting to work before 9 AM, running down to the cafe' to get my oatmeal and finally settling down to read the daily devotional, all before starting my workday.

After reading my devotional I decided to check out what Pastor Kevin had to say.

Well, thanks for a good day!

Here, I'll explain; riding in to work with my daughter, listening to Lil' Wayne and saying 'do we really have to listen to this?’ her reply 'well yeah!’ after which I politely lower the volume.

After reading pastor's post titled "Day" and pondering the question, I glance over to the right hand column and what's there under Blog-Mania? Jon Acuff's article titled "When Lil'Wayne defines the gospel.” who'd have thought! I read it, printed it and my daughter will read it when I get home.

Thanks Pastor Kevin, now I'll start work and go about my day pondering your question, 'What makes a good day for you?'

Have a good day!


PK's BLOG said...

HA! That's great. I love that.

Anonymous said...

My very best days are spent with the ones I love most in life....or at least talking with them. I only have 3 people in my life that I let into my heart and soul. I know it's not many, but I am pretty reserved.

I am grateful to read your blog. My very favorite things in life are talking to the people I love most about the things in life that matter most.