Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Earlier this year, Joelene and I had the opportunity to sail on the Sea of Galilee in Israel. It was a spectacular, life-pausing moment to be on the very waters Jesus spoke to when He said: "Peace, be still," and they did.

I also thought about what Peter and crew must have thought and felt when Jesus strode up to them beside water's edge and said: "Drop the nets and follow Me."

Jesus had this incredible ability to excite people. Was it pure charisma? Was it the promise of adventure? Was it the presence of God? I think it was all three and more. He brought fire into people's lives - and they liked it.

I found out today firsthand that one of the reasons people 'under-perform' in their roles is because they don't understand WHY they are doing them in the first place. The number two reason people today stay in their jobs long-term is that the mission of the organization stimulates and excites them. Conversely, more people leave their jobs because the mission of the organization doesn't stimulate or excite them.

Basketball coach Pat Riley said: 'You don't have to yell and scream at a player who wants the same thing you do.'

True team builders excite people and inspire people to look up. Jesus did that so well; I'd like to learn to do that way better, too.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

LOL...too funny. I am sure I will think of more, but I am SO impressed that you even know who Pat Riley is! He coached my AC! :)

Anonymous said...

PK...I have been pondering on your post. Trying to find the right words. I think some people need tough love to improve. I have had enough criticism in my life from my Mom. I need someone who will give me wings.

I know no one else on this blog will probably understand, but I wish Jesus was here in person. Praying is just not enough. I need someone to talk to who responds. I know it is not fair to you, but I looked to you to represent Him in many ways.

I am a solitary person. Normally, I prefer my own company to that of many others. I need a couple of deep friends and, as much as I like my other friends and enjoy their company, I don't get "overly" attached. All I know, is if Jesus was here...HE is someone I would want to be with all of the time. He is someone that I could talk to for hours. He is someone I would find endlessly fascinating.

Honestly, the only other person I feel about that way very deeply is my daughter. She is my best friend. Someday, someway I am moving back there...don't know when. The distance is too far.