Sunday, October 31, 2010


Today is Halloween ... not exactly your basic Christ-follower’s number one day-of-the-year. Or is it? Recently I read something that kind of piqued my interest and thought I’d share part of it with you. It's from a pastor named Tony Morgan. He writes:

“I love Halloween. I know. I’m not supposed to love Halloween since I’m a Christian and a pastor, but I do. Here’s why ...

  1. Friends from my neighborhood come to my front door, unannounced, to visit.
  2. I get the chance to meet people I've never met before.
  3. I have the opportunity to engage in conversations I would not normally have.
  4. No one is expecting me to do anything “pastoral” on Halloween evening. I can just be normal.
  5. I get to enjoy a fun evening with my family.

I’m probably going to get slammed for admitting this. After all, Halloween is supposed to be the evil holiday. But how can you blast a day that allows you to connect with your neighbors and enjoy quality family time? Until someone comes up with an alternative, I’m going to be a fan of Halloween.”

As missional KFA-ers, I encourage you to throw on your porch light and connect with your neighbors tonight.

And be blessed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love this! Being that my birthday is ON Halloween, it's great to see a positive christian side to it =)