Friday, July 9, 2010


Yesterday I had the opportunity to meet with about 35 of our Encore folks. These are some of our KFA senior citizens. We had a great breakfast and then they took the opportunity to ask some questions. I was impressed with a good number of the things they asked.

I'm guessing that many people don't think our seniors have a handle on the world - but they do - more than we know. Despite the different style of music/beat of today - the higher-than-preferred volume - the relaxed dress ---- they care about the lost and our younger population coming to Christ. They do.

They understand that fish don't just jump into boats -- that good soil doesn't just jump onto the seed -- that disciples don't make themselves. Sheep, coins and sons don't find themselves. We have to go where they are looking for them.

I think that's why so many teens work so hard to make themselves look as shocking as possible - they want people to see them - to notice them.

I think that's why so many men spend so much time and energy trying to achieve business success - or having the nicest yard on the block - or putting the nicest car in the garage. They want people to see them.

I think that's why some women seem obsessed with enhancing, preserving, restoring and revealing their bodies.

People want to know their existence matters. They want to know THEY matter.

Jesus showed us all that He saw lost people not as distractions but as His purpose for being on this planet

That's how you know what you're here for.

And be blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's sad how many people look outside for validation...the outer appearances seem to be valued more than what's inside. I, too, have succombed a bit to that in my earlier years, but I think some of that loses it's importance with age. As we become more comfortable in our own skin.

It would be a beautiful world if we wanted to leave the world a better place than before we came along...or if individuals could look themselves and others in the eye and be proud of who they are inside.

Some of the most wonderful, beautiful people in the world were not "successful" by the world's average standards. Mother Teresa comes to mind. She was one of the most beautiful women in history to me. God gave us each a gift to share....and I am quite certain it wasn't based on outer appearance at all...