Monday, July 19, 2010


The moment I stop breathing on this journey, I'll see the face of Jesus. It could be forty years from now or it could be before midnight tonight. In that second, all my impure motives, self-oriented exploits and fleshly ventures will be burned away.

I'm not sure if God will show a movie reel of my life or just let me see it as a reflection thru His eyes or what -- but what I hope to see at some point are things I did that represented Him well and legitimately served His Kingdom.

Because of that, my life verse is Acts 13:36 - "When David had served God's purposes in his own generation, he fell asleep." That's pretty much it.

The essence of the Christian faith is that God sent Jesus, who intentionally came to lay down His life as a ransom for our mistakes. It was a necessary tragedy that ultimately brought each of us who believe, life. His way of living and His sacrifice serve as a clear call to give our lives away.

If spiritual leadership is anything, it is a journey OF death and a journey TO death. One journey is an inward dying to ourselves - our pride - our agendas - our ideas - our concerns - our ambitions ... and the other a preparation for our actual, physical death, where the only thing that matters is what we have left to those who will follow us.

And be blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

PK, sometimes I am so sure I will see Jesus, as well....plenty of times, I feel Him here with me and it gives me shivers. I love it!

Other times, I am not sure I am ready for Him. I still have certain areas in life that I have not gained control reliance on the computer for outside interaction being Time that could be spent with Him, instead.

I imagine it is fairly common with many Christians, but what if He turns me away? What if He says "I never knew you." My heart tells me, yes, He knows you better than anyone does and the fact that I can feel His presence so physically and emotionally tells me He is there with me.

I know I am not all He intends for me to be. I do many things right, but there are areas that I am definitely lacking as a disciple of Christ. I need to give the controls to Him voluntarily, but I am afraid I will miss the things I do. What will I replace these behaviors with?

I know maybe, sometimes, I say things others may not say, but I think it is important to be real. I am sure others have their own areas they deal with. Even though it is church...we all deal with SOMETHING...and that is the truth.

I want to see His face and give Him a huge hug more than I want to live. I want to be a part of His family in heaven. I hope I am accepted when the time comes....