Thursday, December 3, 2009


There is a scene in the movie "BULL DURHAM" where the coach is talking to the team in the locker room and says, "Baseball is a simple game. You throw the ball ... you hit the ball ... you catch the ball."

That's as simple as the theme of the church: "You love God ... you live the Word ... you love those in the world."

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

Geez, PK...I just happened to scroll down to the first plank post for some reason and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Thulin...I know that is Whitney and Sam's last name, so I wondered what it was. You never mentioned that she has a blog page now, too. Very cool! I know I post on your blog and write emails an awful lot, so I completely understand why she says she has to write and get things out. I totally agree. Anyway, I think it is great that she is blogging, too! Also, I didn't know she and Sam are the music pastors...just like you used to be. You have a nice family!


merry said...

what a simple, profound message today, PK! thank you!