Sunday, August 23, 2009


Five men from our church (including me) are taking an exciting trip to Pattaya and Bangkok, Thailand next spring. We began our team meetings this afternoon.

We are joining with Chris Lenty and the MST PROJECT ( to reach out to men who visit these places for the purposes of buying girls to have sex with them. "MST" stands for "Male Sex Tourism."

This is going to be an amazing trip where we have entry into people's lives we would almost never ordinarily encounter, particularly in these settings.

I'm proud of the men who have signed up to be part of a ground-breaking missions trip such as this. At the same time, ten of our ladies (including Joelene) will be travelling to Bangkok to minister to girls and women caught in the sex slave trade by having 'bar parties' and then buying the girls and taking them somewhere to minister to them.

These are amazing days.

Below is a video called "HOPE," sponsored by the MST PROJECT.

And be blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am very proud of everyone going on this mission. It must be difficult to go in the spirit of love without making any judgements. Hopefully, you can show them a better way.

Personally, I think the sex trade would be disturbing for me, but for those of you with a heart to reach those people, I think you are amazing!